Water takes on all kinds of negative energy on its way to your faucet. The Harmonizing Water Bottle gets rid of all that bad energy, making your water perfect again. It makes your water easier to drink and easier to absorb in a few magical seconds. Of course, it’s not really magic, it’s just the power of energy.
Restores any water to its most beautiful energetic state so you can have better water wherever you go. Restores any water to its most beautiful energetic state so you can have better water wherever you go.The Harmonizing Water Bottle will harmonize and vitalize your water, returning it to its natural energetic state and removing any negative energy it has absorbed. The beautiful crystalline structure of water in nature is restored, so your body is better able to assimilate and utilize its beneficial, health-promoting properties.And the added benefit – your water tastes much better! You'll notice a smoother, more pleasant texture and a pure taste that better satiates your thirst. People rave about how much easier and more enjoyable it is to stay hydrated with harmonized water.
Magic Harmonizing Water Bottle
30 Day return policy